HI! We're ShapeFluid and this is our website!

Links to where you can find us on the internet!

wip wip under construction wip still in progress don't judge me i'm still learning wip wip wip still building wip reticulating splines wip idk idgaf wip wip Our Twitch! ArtFight! (Astral) ArtFight! (Nix) uhhhhh more links l8r ig HOME Good Karma

idk man i just started working on this ...and I know exactly what I'm doing but must fight my asceticism and not just have everything be blank


We are:

-They/Any (vampire, bat, vampire bat, demon, sometimes a little lizardy) AKA Bat, Nix, Number XXI or smth of Organization XII idk i don't go to church anymore.

-They/them (dragon, cat, deer, uhhh some other stuff too idk nix is writing this, astral will probably edit later) AKA Raine! <=Now that Nix is done floundering, allow me to interject. Hello hello! I'm Astral Raine*, a silly lil shapeshifter. I can be anyone and anything (wink) but usually I'm a cat and/or dragon. Nice to meet you ^^

and Ember! [note to nix: turn these into their own pages and curate some photos]

*both are my first name, feel free to use either at your whim! turns out, the government can't stop you from having as many first names as you want

note to nix: put a guestbook here, those are silly and good :)

Wanna leave a silly comment for us? Need to contact us about something? Sign our guestbook! Maybe integrated into the site in the future but for now via THIS LINK

**-~~*Associates and Comrades*~~-**